The painting with the crane is not large, but stylish. In the culture of many countries, the crane has always held the place of honor as a sacred bird, close to God and the spiritual world. It is a symbol of wisdom, health, devotion, and happiness. The painting was done on a wooden plank with oil paints in the author's technique and varnished for artwork. Natural sections of knots and the texture of natural wood are not covered with paint, which makes the image of a crane appear. The image is located not only on the front side of the wooden plank, but also on the sides. The picture is artificially aged and looks scuffed. The picture is suitable for decoration of the living room, hall, children's room or bedroom.

Dimensions, cm 18/40.5/2
Weight, kg 0.7
15 900,00 ₽/165,97 $/160,29 €/1 220,65 ¥